21 Days of Prayer

January 5-25, 2025

Join us as we dedicate the beginning of the year to seeking Gods voice for our lives and our world through the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting.


Our hope is that each day, we would all spend intentional time with God in prayer. 

There are many ways to pray. What’s great is that none of them are wrong! God simply wants to meet with us. However, there are some tools we’ve been given to help us engage with God in prayer. 

Jesus taught us to pray the Lords Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). This is a great way to speak to Him, not just reciting the words of the prayer but truly praying through each piece of the scripture!

There are also many acronyms to help guide us in our prayer times. JOY is one them!

J – Jesus: Praise Him for who He is!

O – Others: Pray for others around you, for their needs.

Y – Yourself: Pray over yourself, spend time lamenting and presenting your requests to Him. 

Lastly, listening prayer is another very fundamental part of prayer! This is where we pause and listen for Gods voice. We intentionally make space to slow our minds and hearts, not saying anything to God but instead allowing Him to speak to us. Here, we get to wait for His still small voice to lead us, comfort us, and give us guidance.


Every Wednesday we will be fasting as a community. Fasting is a way to help us draw near to God, laying our desires down at His feet in worship and surrender.

You can choose to water fast (only drink water throughout the day), Daniel Fast (eat plant-based meals), or ask Holy Spirit what He’d like you to fast in this season.

You are invited to join Cedar Park Church in Bothell every Wednesday night at 6:30PM for a time of worship to conclude our fasting days.

Submit a Prayer Request or Praise Report

We’d love to pray and praise with you as you journey through these next 21 days. Feel free to reach out and let us know what you are praying for so we can contend alongside you.

Extra Resources for Deeper Study


Guides to help lead you and your family in different ways to engage in prayer.



For a deeper study into both prayer and fasting, consider reading these books.



For short guided prayers to help center you, check out this podcast.

For longer teachings on Prayer and Fasting, follow along here. 



For daily engagement with different prayer practices to help lead you in intimacy with God, download this app.

The Pray First App

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